Sarah and Adriana. Beauty enthusiasts from Brisbane, Australia.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Liquid Eyeliner: Models Prefer vs MAC

Looking for a high end quality liquid eyeliner, but don't have $30+ to spend? I have a solution for you :)

MAC Liquid Eyeliner has always been my favourite liquid eyeliner because it dries perfectly matte, and is a really dark black, and doesn't dry steaky, or greyish. When I saw Models Prefer Liquid Eyeliner, I thought i'd give it a go because it looked very similar, and only cost a fraction of the price. Surprisingly, it's pretty much an exact dupe for the MAC liner. They both have pretty much the exact same features - except the price!

Models Prefer Liquid Eyeliner costs: $9.99 at Priceline

MAC Liquid Eyeliner costs: $32.00 at all MAC stores

The applicators are the same thickness, the liquid is the same consistency, and they both dry the same matte black colour. The Models Prefer brand eyeliner takes a few seconds longer to dry, but that's not a huge deal by any means, especially when it's saving you $22.00!

So if you're looking for a new eyeliner, or want to stop spending so much on high end ones, here's a great alternative! Let us know if this has helped you out, or if theres any other products you'd like us to review or use in a tutorial :)!


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