Sarah and Adriana. Beauty enthusiasts from Brisbane, Australia.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hiya, my name is Adriana and I am one half of Rock'n'Doll.

I'm a metal loving, red-hair enthusiast with an extreme passion for anything beauty related. Whilst not having any sort of degree within beauty or make-up, having crazy skin problems since I was 13 has been enough to decipher the products that really work and others that are legit crap.

Over the years the most important general opinion and experience has come from my best friend, and the other half of Rock'n'Doll, Sarah. Together, Sarah and I have trialled an insane amount of products, tools and techniques to achieve the makeup looks we showcase today.

This blog will essentially be a portal for those interested in what products and techniques we use. We hope to provide you with a genuine insight into what products are most appropriate for certain skin types, colours and conditions.

Please feel free to leave comments, questions or suggestions on our posts - we will endeavour to reply to all.

Stay rockin', doll.


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