Sarah and Adriana. Beauty enthusiasts from Brisbane, Australia.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Caramel Favourites!

Just a quick post today about two of our favourite products this month! Both of which just happen to be caramel flavour...actually the fact that they smell like caramel is probably half the reason they're our favourite....whatever - these products work brilliantly!

First of all Nivea's Caramel Cream Lip Butter:

You know those lip balms that feel great when you first put them on, but dry out really quick. Not only the product - but your lips? This isn't one of those. With a bunch of balms that we've tried - at first they felt moisturising and like they were doing our lips some good, but really they just had us reaching for our lip scrub and blaming it on the weather.

This actually moisturises your lips for hours, and the moisture really soaks in so your lips aren't dry and chappy every time you forget to put it on! Plus it smells amaaaazing, like caramel popcorn! Can you really go wrong?  Recommend 10/10

It's available at Priceline for $5.69 (or Coles, Kmart, Woolworths etc..)

Secondly, LUX Exfoliating Shea Butter and Caramel Scrub:

LUX scrub caught my eye when I was browsing Priceline, after I had just run out of my Soap and Glory Breakfast Scrub. It smelt amazing, and for $5.49 I really had no excuse not give it a go. Thank god I did.

Compared to Breakfast Scrub ($18.95 from Mecca Cosmetica) it smells just as yummy, and the scent actually lasts a lot longer after you get out of the shower. You do need to use it with a shower glove/sponge to get the same exfoliating effect, but in saving $13 or so dollars - it's well worth it!

Everyone wants to come out of the shower smelling edible, don't lie! We definitely recommend this product - and it's awesome value for your money!

Let us know if you've tried either of these products, and how they worked for you dolls!

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